Friday, November 14, 2014

All you wanted to know about Chrysocolla

Text: Sandra Kemppainen,; 
photo: wikipedia, A close-up photograph of a specimen of Chrysocolla from Australia. 

Author: Lloyd.james0615

One of the less known stones quite commonly used in jewellery making is Chrysocolla.
Quite often confused with turquoise, it has many of the same visual qualities as turquoise. But it is nothing like turquoise.

In ancient Egypt, it was called the ‘wise stone’ as those who wore it generally came up with clever comprises when it seems and unbearable pass in negotiations. It was also thought it would protect the wearer against psychological damage as well. It is also told that this stone had the power to make more violent people more sensitive and tolerant, which is apparently why Cleopatra carried chrysocolla with her everywhere she went.

Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 2 with a monoclinic crystal structure.

Chrysocolla gemstone generally occurs as a bright green or bluish crust or as compact grapelike clusters of stone. It is a copper bearing mineral found wherever copper deposits occur especially in areas of the southwestern USA, Chili, Zaire, Australia, France and England. Eliat Stone is a variegated blue and green mixture of chrysocolla and other copper minerals found in the Gulf of Aqaba, near the northwestern end of the Red Sea”.

Pure chrysocolla is generally too soft for main line jewelry purposes although, beads can be created with it, as well, it is often found in quartz deposits which makes the chrysocolla hard enough to polish for cabochons and other products. It is often found mixed with malachite, turquoise and azurite, which creates a wonderful product called Eilat Stone (a gem associated with King Soloman’s Mines) as well as bringing the metaphysical qualities of each of those gemstone into play as well.

Mystical Properties:
Chrysocolla is generally associated with peace and tranquility, as well as intuition, patience and unconditional love. It is often thought to offer gentle and soothing qualities, it is believed to be a powerful source of life-force energy, as well as a stone for feminine empowerment; helping to build feminine energies and cam emotions. 
Chrysocolla helps to clear the subconscious of negative feelings of guilt, fears and tension, and bringing up inner strength. It aids in releasing old resentment and in forgiving people you’ve been holding resistance to. It is exceptionally helpful in dealing with the anger and pain associated with rape, or abuse of any kind.

This is a stone that is excellent for reading layouts or for jewelry, psychic impressions suggest that this stone is a master healer, through emotion expression. It is told to be quite useful to one for expressing those emotions which are fire based, such as anger, fear, passion or excitement. Chrysocolla has been known to raise the metabolism to assist in rectifying an imbalance or to help in losing weight.

Chrysocolla is known to promote level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence. It can also be used to decrease nervousness and irritability.

Healing Properties:
Chrysocolla is best known among Native American Indian cultures for its capability of strengthening the body’s resistance and bringing about calm feeling where there has been upset and turmoil. It enhances creativity in all, female energy and communication, as well as relieving ulcers and arthritis.
This stone can be placed directly on the effected body position, for alleviating cramps, infections of the throat, detoxifying the liver, lowering blood pressure (heart) or assisting recovery from burns. As well, laying it on the third eye offers immense spiritual benefit.

Chrysocolla is particularly effective when carried as a touchstone or jewelry that is in constant contact with the skin. It should be cleansed once a month under warm running water and then recharged overnight in a bowl with tumbled hematite.

Magical Properties:
Chrysocolla makes a bridge of energy between the Earth and the Sky, the physical and the spiritual planes. A stone with very feminine energies, chrysocolla ease the mental and emotional pains of any troubled relationship by relieving tension and bringing out your inner strengths.

When attempting to remove yourself from a troublesome or even dangerous relationship or situation, especially those filled with emtional tension, draw a nine inch circle on a piece of paper. Set a peice of chrysocolla in the center of the circle, sit and meditate on what this situation is costing you in manners of self-esteem, physical danger, emotional stress and psychological duress, as well as monetarily. Force yourself to see it for it’s full and true excuses!

Do this for nine nights, each time moving the stone closer and closer to the edge of the circle. In the meantime, take whatever measures are appropriate and necessary for you to be safe. By the end of the ninth night, you should be able to remove the stone completely from the circle.

If however, you have procrastinated, and taken to steps to physically help remove yourself from this situation, moving the stone to the edge of the circle will not gain you freedom from the problem. You may start again, but you should consider why you were unable to do it the first time, before beginning again.

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