Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lorena Balea-Raitz: Romanian Point Lace

I guess to create something was always in my blood. I grew up watching my mother drawing pattern and designing. I can’t picture her without needles, hooks, yarn or thread in her hands. 

Thread, yarn and needles were always around. 

I started to create my own clothes at the age of 15. This is when I had my first fashion show as well. My entire school was my audience. 

It changed my life and I knew it was the way to go for me. I studied fashion and design in the US and Romania. Romania my home land plays a very special role in my designs. 

The second big fashion show was in Los Angeles. All my designs were inspired by Romanian Point Lace: a tradition lace making ancient technique used to decorate homes. 

All my necklaces are inspired by this technique. In Romania it’s known as Macramee. 

I use different  classic Romanian Point Lace elements to create my necklaces. The basic technique will not be changed and this way I want to keep my culture alive in every single necklace. 

Romanian Point Lace is very little known in the western world and most people who know it create the basic home décor elements. 

I want to go a step further and go beyond tradition  but still I want to carry it with me. 

Designing starts for me with the cotton thread. I can spend hours in a yarn store touching, feeling and combining the different colors and textures. 

Each color gives me a new idea. I start with one element and I end up with a new creating. I do not regret the way things turn out . It works for me. 

Thread was always a part of my designs. Last year I decided to start a jewelry line based on Romanian Point Lace.  

To me fashion accessories are a must and complete an outfit. I do not know a single woman that does not have a necklace. 
Even if you can’t afford the latest fashion a statement necklace can make your outfit not only complete but unforgettable. 

To create jewelry using this ancient lace technique  is new to me and I enjoy every minute of it. 

I find inspiration in the traditional Romanian Point Lace elements and I spice it up by using crochet elements with volume. 

Every necklace is unique. I try to stay original and I create only one of a kind designs. I never recreated a necklace. I want  to make my customers feel special. I want them to know that they are the only one in the world to wear this necklace.
Lorena Balea-Raitz

Find beautiful items like these in Green Window to the Soul Shop.

Text and photos: Lorena Balea-Raitz

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