Monday, June 2, 2014

Wedding Special: Worldwide: Strange Wedding Habits

The endless wedding
Muslim weddings generally last between three and seven days. In Morocco, the wedding party lasts about seven days and in the first day the bride has to follow a ritual of purification by a bath of milk. Then, her hands and feet are painted (Beberiska), usually with Henna. During the wedding party, the bride changes her clothes several times, in order to show to her guests that she has several outfits. There is no standard dress for the bride, the outfit has strong colors, being made from fine and expensive materials, such as silk.

Bread, the sugar of marriage
The Cretan tradition implies the existence of a wedding bread. This is a dough that is specially wove, decorated with dough in the shape of the moon, stars, sun, etc. This bread is made from a special dough, sweet, with special spices, cinnamon, etc.. Tradition says that this bread represents the marriage sweetness and the happiness of the new couple. It is consumed by all the guests.

The most cheerful weddings
Cuba is famous for the joy of the parties from this country and the wedding is no exception. There are beautiful dances and a music whom rhythm can't be listen from the chair. Cuban dances are held in group, not in pairs, men change their partner between them, in order that every woman have as a partner every man from the dance floor. Each guest who will dance with the bride will apply on her dress an amount of money. The money will be gathered by her or by the bridesmaids and used for the honeymoon trip.

A glass for two
The brides and the grooms from France use to drink from a two-handed glass and usually this glass is offered from generation to generation, having a special sentimental value.

The dance of
In Poland it is practiced an interesting tradition: the bride's dance is bought. The guests apply on the bride's dress money for buying her dance. Then, the money are gathered by the bridesmaids and offered to the new couple for their honeymoon journey.

The wedding...from Heaven
On the beautiful beaches of Philippine Islands, the weddings are made in an atmosphere filled with joy and romance. Their rituals are very important when it comes about engagement and marriage, and parties are full of flowers and exotic fruits. During the ceremony, the bride and the groom offer one to each other a necklace of flowers and swear eternal love.

Kissing party
In Sweden, whenever either the bride or groom leaves their table to use the bathroom the other gets kissed…a lot. If the groom has to go then every male in the reception will get a chance to kiss the bride and vice versa.

Butch up
These days its usually the groom that’s concerned with packing on the muscle, but that’s only because this isn’t Sparta. In Spartan culture, the women would shave their heads and dress up like men before waiting to get stolen away by their groom-to-be. Come on, you’ve seen 300, what did you expect?

A salty wedding song
Although weddings are usually accompanied by tears, brides and females of the Tujia people in China take matters to a whole new level. Starting one whole month in advance the bride starts to cry for 1 hour everyday. Ten days into the ordeal the mom joins the picture, and then ten days later the grandmother does the same. By the end of the month every female in the family is crying alongside the bride . Why? Well, it’s actually supposed to be an expression of joy as the women weep in different tones, kind of like a song…a very salty, wet song.

It takes two
In Southern Sudan people of the Neur tribe believe that the marriage is not complete until the woman has had two children. If she fails to do so, the groom is able to seek a divorce.

Fairies on the floor
In Ireland when the bride and groom are dancing the bride’s feet have to stay on the floor. The Irish believe that if they don’t, evil fairies will come and sweep her away. The logic? Evil fairies like beautiful things. The bride is beautiful. The fairies can only get to her if she is not touching the ground.

Shoe thieves
In some parts of India the groom is required to take off his shoes before approaching the wedding altar. As soon as he does this mayhem ensues. Everyone from the bride’s side of the family tries to steal them while everyone from the groom’s side of the family tries to protect them. If the bride’s family succeeds in their endeavor, then they are allowed to hold the shoes hostage until they get paid a ransom.

Serious Business
In the Congo, if you want to ruin someone’s wedding just hire a comedian. In order for the marriage to be taken seriously the bride and groom are not allowed to smile throughout the entire ceremony.

Bride stealing
In Romania and other Eastern European countries, stealing the bride and taking her to a local night club for a little dancing, after midnight during the party is a very common habit. Usually done by the groomsmen, they then call the godfather or groom and ask for a ransom and/or performance by the groom and godfather at the reception before they return with the stolen bride.

Motherly assistance
Some villages in africa require an older woman to accompany the newlyweds into their bedroom on the first night of their marriage in order to “show the bride the ropes”. Although this is usually a village elder, sometimes it can be the brides own mother. And you thought your parents were nosy.

Wearing white
Although to Westerners it seems normal, to most of the world a white bridal dress is very strange. In most countries the bridal dress is very vibrant and full of color. So why are western brides so limited in their options? It is said to have started with Queen Victoria in 1840 when she donned a white dress in her marriage to Prince Albert. In her day, this was very controversial because the color white was associated with mourning.

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