Friday, June 6, 2014

Wedding Special: Weddings with Flair

The wedding day is the day most women have been dreaming about most of their lives, ever since they were little girls. The excitement of the perfect dress, the butterflies in the stomach when thinking of the upcoming ceremony, they all point to a very special day. And the very special day deserves Very special jewelry. 

If you are looking for very sparkly accessories to complement your perfect dress, whether it’s a necklace or a delicate purse, or bracelet, or a pair of large teardrop shaped earrings, you will find them and much more, in a very special shop, Weddings with Flair.

“I started creating Jewelry back in 2004. (elegancwithflair on Etsy) which is a more casual everyday line of jewelry.
I like bling so I started making things for weddings which seem to fit in just fine.
My work shop is my spare room upstairs in my house which I work in every evening after my full time job of Production supervisor for a advertising agency.” - Louise La Rochelle

“I seem to create designs in my sleep since that really is the only quiet time I have, but I find time on the weekend to be creative non stop.”

Visit Louse's shop here!

Sandra Kemppainen, Louise La Rochelle; photos by Louise La Rochelle

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